• NY DWI Lawyer

    Queens DWI Lawyer Jonathan Kaye

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    Affordable DWI Attorney

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  • NY DWI Arrest

    New York DWI lawyer/ DUI lawyer

    Over 30 years of experience focusing on criminal cases such as DWI

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Top DUI Lawyer with 30+ Years of experience at an affordable price.

Women Charged With DWI after NY Billy Joel Concert

A New Jersey woman who apparently attended a NY Billy Joel concert was charged on Sunday September 27th with a DWI after police say she was stopped for leaving the scene of an accident.

Alison Cantor, 42, of Short Hills, was driving a Mercedes Benz sedan on Varick Street in Manhattan at approximately 12:30 a.m. when it struck another Mercedes Benz station, investigators said.

Port Authority police stationed at the Holland Tunnel said they witnessed the accident and saw a person get out of the sedan, the person looked at the damage and returned to the car. The officers instructed Cantor to remain at the scene, but she ignored them and drove off into the tunnel toward New Jersey, they said.

The officers eventually caught Cantor in Jersey City. They detected the odor of alcohol and Cantor told them she had just left the Billy Joel concert and had had a few drinks during the show, investigators said. She failed a field sobriety test and a Breathalyzer test, they said.

In addition to DWI, Cantor was charged with reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident.


  • "Thanks Jonathan for helping me out so much. I was scared after getting my 2nd DWI. You helped calm me down and allowed me to start sleeping again. I hope there isn't anybody I know that will have to go through this, but if I do, I will highly recommend your services." Thanks again, Melissa D. Queens NY

  • "Hi Jonathan, Thank you so much for helping me with my DWI. I'm so glad that nightmare is over. You helped put my mind at ease and I felt so much better right after I spoke with you. Don't take this personally, but I hope I never have to call you again!" Carol E. Queens NY

  • "Jonathan, thanks again for getting my DWI charges reduced. I didn't think there was a chance of that happening. Unfortunately, I just had a friend get a DWI over the weekend. I told her who to call." Mike S. Queens NY